Jul 02,2024 NEWS
Where can I find my previous e-Invoices? | 电子发票容易储存吗?要在哪里找回我之前的电子发票?
Do we need a particular application to scan the QR code? | 我们需要一个特殊的应用程序来扫描QR吗?
Who should I look for if I have any query? | 当我遇到电子发票问题需要询问时,应该找谁?
Does the MyInvois portal allow users to draft an invoice? | MyInvois平台是否能够创建发票草稿(draft)?
Does e-Invoice only involve transactions that happen within Malaysia? | 电子发票是不是只涉及国内交易?
Jun 15,2024 NEWS
What is a TIN number? | 什么是TIN号码?
What are the types of e-Invoice? | 电子发票有哪些种类?
Can a PDF file invoice be considered as an e-Invoice? | PDF档的invoice是不是可以称为电子发票?
Which industries need to prepare self-billed e-Invoice? | 哪些行业需要准备自开电子发票?
What is self-billed e-Invoice? | 什么是自开电子发票?